But it hasn't been all that bad either. I am working away at my 2011 goals, and although I am not making progress as quickly as I would like, I am making progress.
Still aiming towards that MBA program starting next fall...however I made a major shift in the way I want to do it. Instead of attending a "bricks and mortar" school part-time in the evenings, I have decided to apply to an online MBA program. It's even more highly regarded than the bricks and mortar program, and I will be in class with other students with similar background to me in terms of managerial experience. (And I don't have to write the GMAT for this one either - WOOO HOOOOO....er...I mean, that's cool...ahem.)
Still trying to live a healthier lifestyle too, and incorporate more physical fitness into my daily life. That is proving to be quite challenging, especially since we are having such bitter temperatures this winter, and my inner diva just wants to curl up under the blankets and nap and eat carbs all day!
So I keep trying, and keep trying new stuff. My latest thing is to have my little personal DVD player set up in my office at work, so I can follow some 10 minute strength workouts during my lunch or after work before I go home. Ten minutes might not sound like much, but if you are 100% focused on the exercise it's worth much more than 20 minutes of half-a**ed lifting at the gym, while chatting to someone or watching TV.
My focus on creating and maintaining a healthier lifestyle is such that I have come up with an idea for a new blog that I hope to set up within the next couple of months. This has stopped me from more regular blogging here, funnily enough. I get an idea for something I want to write about, and then think - hey, that would be great for the new blog! So, since the new blog is just a gleam in my eye at this point, I do nothing. Hmph.
I've also been stretching myself somewhat. I did something I've never done before. I entered a recipe into a contest. I saw on the Eat -Clean Diet website (my new role model, Tosca Reno's website) a promotion for the "Good Morning Eat-Clean Diet Contest", asking for breakfast recipes. So I submitted the recipe I created for making a mixed whole grain porridge with fruit in my rice cooker. And today I found out I won!!!! By next week I will be receiving an autographed (by Tosca Reno herself!!!!) copy of her Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook. Swoon.
Me, and my Overnight Sensation Breakfast. The photo I had to submit with my recipe.
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