Friday, February 26, 2010

Um, yeah, it's Winter calling. Sorry I'm late...

This is what Mizz Lucy and I woke up to on Feb 23rd - winter wonderland. Um, a little late, doncha think? I was hopin' this would be winter's (first and ) last hurrah, but we continue to get snow dumped on us as we head into March.

I do really think that February is the longest and cruelest month, and this winter, though exceptional weather-wise, hasn't changed my opinion much. Well, nothing to do but make the most of it.

Wednesday's photo (Feb 24), I tried to capture the beauty of the sunrise coming over the hill in the part of the trail I walk Mizz Lucy on every morning, that I call the "Cathedral". It's a steep hill covered in tall thin deciduous trees, which seems to me like a church, the way God would design it. If She was "into" churches. Which I am not entirely convinced is true. It's the only church I really feel comfortable in.
Feb 25th brought us another snow storm. Blowing winds, a sudden drop in temperatures, snow...again. I hurried into the grocery store on the way home from working late, just wanting to get a few necessary things. But ended up with all this:

There was just so much good stuff on sale! What gives? Is it the recession? Or Wal-Mart Supercentres providing competition? No matter, it's bargain-city right now, for those that have any extra cash.

When I arrived at the store it was fairly busy, but suddenly it seemed to just empty out. A store employee asked me if there was a storm brewing, is that why the store was devoid of customers? I said definitely, that it was nasty out. Someone else piped up that the women's gold medal game was on (Congrats Canadian Womens Hockey Team on your Gold! Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Oh yeah, you did....Ha!), and also Survivor. (Is that show still going on?!?!? Haven't they run out of deserted islands yet?). It was certainly a good night to get home and stay home, whatever the reason.

And now this morning, this:

I got up nice and early, planning to walk Mizz L as usual, and then have time to do an upper body workout. On the way back to the house, I laughed at the absurdity of hurrying inside to lift dumbells to the instructor on the DVD when I had a driveway full of snow I could be lifting instead! So I made things easier for Edward by clearing a path to the street. Shoulda brushed him off before I cleaned up the driveway though....

And now tonight I get to do it all over again 'cos it's snowing and snowing hard and heavy. However, things are looking up for next week. Temps in the pluses for most of it. Yay!

On a completely different subject: I've been tracking my weight loss for the past 3 weeks and I'm averaging 0.9 lbs lost per week. At this rate I will lose 26 pounds by the wedding date. Not too shabby! I developed a little Excel spreadsheet and even created a graph in it to help me track my progress towards this goal. I am delighted that I am seeing success with making just a couple of little changes to my lifestyle and being more mindful of everything I eat and how much I move.

Now to get back to snow shovelling. Wish me luck!


  1. I never did make it up north last night. Roads wee too bad, and it took me an hour to get home to get my PJs so I just ended up staying in town.
    Maybe I'll do my taxes instead. Boy, I'm exciting!

  2. Glad to hear you decided to stay home - I was a wee bit worried. When I see the messes "exciting" people make of their lives, I say gimme so-called "boring". It's not even a close call!
