Friday, June 10, 2011

I've Moved!!!!!

Come see me at my new home on the Internet! It's mine, all mine! My first little Domain...sigh.

All my stuff's already been moved over. You can subscribe to it as you did to this one. You can also use RSS if you know what THAT is all about. I didn't till now (thanks Caitlin!).

No need to call first, just c'mon over!

I have a new name for the blog. Here's the link to take you there: Hete Bliksem. All will be explained at my new place.

The door is open and the welcome mat is laid out.

Hope to see you soon!

April 11, 2014 - I've moved yet again! Come see me at The Widow Badass Blog. Lots has happened to me as you can imagine from the title of my new blog. I'd love to see you there. Door is still open and welcome mat is always laid out!