Not sure how they will be my wedding 'do, but that will be for the marvelous Suzie at Essence Salon to figure out. I am pretty much takes all of my hair dressing skills just to scrape it offa my face and and anchor it with a clip. I think it's a matter of patience, of which for hair, I have none. Three hands would be a plus too.
Invitations were either mailed out or hand-delivered this week to all of our guests. Mizzus K did a fabulous job on them. What a wonderful gift these were!I do hope all of our guests can make it, though I am thinking some might not, for various good reasons. Some have even hinted that travelling to the wedding is not going to be a viable option, but I sent them invites anyways, to let them know we consider them to be our honoured guests regardless of whether they can actually make it or not.
New Topic
Random shots of daylilies from my sadly neglected but thriving somehow anyways front garden:
The first was a gift from my daughter, the second a gift from my son. I've split them once already, and am going to be taking some to our new home at JD's place. And the third? A "volunteer" who magically appeared one season in the front garden from somewhere, most likely from the ones in the backyard.
I leave you with this, to ponder:
I see this truck every once in a while, parked at the golf course that JD is working at this summer. Hard not to forget a pickup with a scrotum. I would love to know what kind of person feels the need to give his motor vehicle balls. Does he love his truck so much he wishes it would reproduce? (I am assuming it is a guy and perhaps that is sexist of me, but really...would a woman decorate a vehicle in this way?) Maybe I just don't get it. Thoughts?